Blackjack is a classic casino game of luck and strategy. However, you lose when you misplay the hands.
Let’s look at them one by one and avoid doing it next time when you play.
#5 Most Misplayed Hand
The #5 The most misplayed hand in blackjack is when there is a pair of nine against a nine. It seems logical to split nines when the dealer has a small card but most players have a hard time understanding why they should split nines against a dealer nine.
If you have an 18 and the dealer has a 9-up card, you’re going to win 8 out of 20 hands. If instead, you split those 9s, each of those 9s is going to win 9½ hands-on average for every 20 hands, so you’re going to win 1/2 more time when you split your nines against the dealer nine rather than standing.
#4 Most Misplayed Hand
Next is when you’re dealt a 12 and the dealer shows a 3. There are various rules for playing blackjack. For eg – when you have a stiff hand and the dealer has a weak upcard; in general, you shouldn’t hit but stand.
In the case of 12 against 3, you have to take a look at the percentages. If you look at your 12, there are only 4 cards that could bust you and that’s the 10, the jack, the queen, and king. There are a total of 5 cards that will get you into 17 to 21 safe zones so there are more cards that will get you into a safe 17 to 21 than will bust you.
The other reason for hitting 12 against 3 is that 3 is not such a weak card for a dealer and has got less chance of busting as compared to 4, 5, or 6.
#3 Most Misplayed Hand
One other misplayed hand in blackjack is when you’re dealt 16 against dealer 10 and that’s really when you’re in a losing situation. Here the most cost-effective play would be to surrender your 16 and lose 50% of your bet. It is better to lose 50% through surrendering rather than losing more than 50% by hitting or standing.
In case the best casinos in India don’t offer you to surrender, you should hit your 16. And if you have 3 or more cards 16, you should stand.
#2 Most Misplayed Hand
The misplayed hand is when you’re dealt soft 18 against the dealer’s 9 or 10. Most players believe that when they are 18, that’s a strong hand and they shouldn’t mess with it and should stand. When you’ve soft 18, it’s with an Ace counted as an 11 and you should always hit.
#1 Most Misplayed Hand
This is the most common misplayed hand in blackjack. When you’re dealt a pair of 8s against dealer’s 10. Here you are prone to make more mistakes because you think that you are going to lose 2 bets instead of 1. However, when you have 16 with a pair of 8s, you can split them and increase your chances of winning against dealer’s 10.